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Welcome to The Contraflexure Point

We live in a continuously growing society and each year urbanisation is increasing exponentially around the globe. Therefore we need the best way to handle this growth. This is where Civil Engineers appear - our work is focused mainly on 2 fields: infrastructures (roads, bridges etc.) and structures (buildings in general). 
Nightscape of Portland, Oregon city

Humanity needs good structural engineers. If we compare an engineer today with a one 50 years ago, we find a big difference. Each one of you will agree that back in days, computers didn't play such a key role in this industry. Therefore a good structural engineer before was defined by his/her abilities to perform calculations in the fastest and most precise way possible. But in the 21st century, the picture looks different. Today the computing power of our devices is exponentially growing each year and we can't really compete with that growth.  Instead, we need structural engineers who are able to come up with ideas for finding the most cost-effective solution without compromising the stability of a given building. It is that simple but it is not...
Lunch break during the construction of Rockefeller Center in Manhattan, New York. The year is 1932.

Let me now introduce you to what exactly is going to happen on this platform. Since some of you won't be that interested in the theory behind certain matters but others will be, therefore we will split the posts into 2 types - Passion and Tech (Technical)

In the Passion posts, we are going to cover some parts of the history of Structural Engineering and how we learned from our mistakes in the past. The structural system of buildings, new technologies and software tools in the field will be some of the many points of our discussion. There will be of course some technical terminology but in general, we will try to keep it simple. The Passion posts will be directed towards the general public but they will be also perfect for the ones working/studying in the Structural Engineering field.
Tacoma Narrows bridge close to the disaster in 1940

In the Tech posts, some of the matters will be related to Structural Mechanics, Structural Design and Analysis, properties and behaviour of different building materials and many others. These types of posts would be a great help for university students for example. The only tool we will need here is our imagination. I will be providing you with simple but yet ingenious examples and without breaking the laws of physics you will be able to understand otherwise complicated subjects.  I can promise you one thing for the Tech blogs - If your basics are clear, everything starts making sense.
FE analysis of a multi-storey building in a structural software

So are you ready for another step towards Structural Engineering? Then without further overdue let's dive into the exciting world of our field!
