
Welcome to The Contraflexure Point

W e live in a continuously growing society and each year urbanisation is increasing exponentially around the globe. Therefore we need the best way to handle this growth. This is where Civil Engineers appear - our work is focused mainly on 2 fields: infrastructures (roads, bridges etc.) and structures (buildings in general).  Nightscape of Portland, Oregon city Humanity needs good structural engineers. If we compare an engineer today with a one 50 years ago, we find a big difference. Each one of you will agree that back in days, computers didn't play such a key role in this industry. Therefore a good structural engineer before was defined by his/her abilities to perform calculations in the fastest and most precise way possible. But in the 21st century, the picture looks different. Today the  computing  power of our devices is exponentially growing each year and we can't really compete with that growth.  Instead, we need structural engineers who are able ...
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